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If a student applies for suspension at the end of the academic year for the next academic year, he/she will be withdrawn from the school if he/she meets the requirements for withdrawal (academic warning) as stipulated in the school's Academic Regulations at the beginning of the next academic year.3. If students do not apply for renewal of the suspension at the end of the suspension period, they will be withdrawn from the school in accordance with the regulations of the academic management system.4. The total period of suspension shall not exceed 2 years.Signature yy/mm/dds;NNaApproval from head teacher/f&TN3uNۏLl/f / &T Sg~[8haPrior Inspection and Communication with the Applicant Y / N Conclusion on the above application:Signature yy/mm/ddf[baTeaching School Approval`hr~   & 2 4 6 8 ` b j n p ϫϫ{t{tmtf{h/CJo(h KCJo(hdCJo(hdCJo( ho( hdo(hm h@CJo(hdCJo(hm hd@CJo(hd@CJo( h:o(h:CJo(hCJo(h@CJh@CJo(h:@CJo(hh5@CJ \o(hhd5@CJ \o('`hrt~ $$Ifa$$dYD2a$gdkd$$Iflִ [x&!0&    4 lalyt  & 4 6 $$Ifa$d$IfWD2`dgdo) 6 8 ^ ` <3* $$Ifa$ $Ifgdkd1$$Iflֈ [&P F0&4 lalytj ` b p p$IfWD`gd $$Ifa$vkdF$$Ifl0&0&4 lalyt ( * , . P ||vvvvvvii & F$Ifgd(T<$If $$Ifa$gdGvkd$$Ifl0 & 0&4 lalyt  $ & ( * , . 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