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Winter Vacation Tips for Overseas Students by SOE

Publisher:杨懿行 Release time:2022-01-10Number of views:381

Winter Vacation Tips for Overseas Students by SOE



Dear All,


According to the school calendar, 2022 winter vacation falls on January 13thtill February 19th. The first school day starts from February 21st. According to the regulations on campus management during holidays and the current condition of epidemic prevention and control, please strictly observe and abide by the following instructions.

  1. 全体学生在按时、保质地完成线上线下学习任务和科研安排后,方可进入假期。假期起,在校留学生每天上午10-13点,下午14-18在宿舍服务大厅进行指纹打卡,志愿者负责组织并统计结果报送辅导员。

All students can enjoy the winter vacation only after the completion of the online & offline learning tasks,as well as research work with good quality on time.SOE will conduct the daily finger print taking in the dorm office (10am-13pm, 14pm-18pm), on campus students should follow the above arrangement and daily report shall be forwarded to counselors accordingly by volunteers.


Due to the condition of epidemic prevention and control, please don’t leave school (or Zhenjiang) during the winter vacation and avoid cross-province or cross-city travel in China.


Students that decide to stay on campus during winter vcation should register at head-teachers and counselors for approval from SOE . During the stay, you should obey the school management, abide by the rules and regulations, do not accommodate others, do not organize or participate in intensive gatherings, and do not closely contact people from middle or high risk areas.

  1. 寒假确需学生,须提前向海外教育学院递交申请(研究生还需经导师同意),包括离返程时间与车次、目的城市(具体到门牌号)、亲友信息及联系方式、个人安全承诺等,否则不得离校(离)。不得擅自前往中高风险区域。外出期间须每日向班主任辅导员报备状态,返镇学生需要提供健康码、行程轨迹核酸阴性报告等必要材料申请返校,未经审批不得返校。

Students who HAVE TOleave Zhenjiang during winter vacation should submit the application to SOE  in advance  master and phd students also need supervisor's permission, including the departure and returing time, the vehicle information, the destination city (specific to the room number), the information of relatives or friends with their phone numbers, personal safety commitment, etc. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to leave. Do not go to middle or high risk areas. During the travel, keep daily report to head teacher or counselor, and apply for return with the necessary materials such as the returning code, green health code and travel path.A negative acid test is also a must. Don’t return to school without permission.

  1. 需要去银行、医院、出入境办理相关业务的需向班主任请假。在校学生申请离校但不离镇,在镇江市区过夜(含1夜),应提供具体市区居住地址,如申请返校,需要提供健康码、核酸阴性报告等必要材料申请返校,未经审批不得返校。

Daily application for personal business in  downtown area shall be approved by head teachers.Students who HAVE TOaccommodate in Zhenjiang during winter vacation should submit the application to SOE  in advance  master and phd students also need supervisor's permission, including off campuse address and daily report. When appling for return, one should submit materials such as the returning code, green health code and covid test result(negative). Don’t return to school without permission.


In response to the epidemic, please maintain good hand hygiene, good eating and living habits, wear masks whenever you go out, and do regular physical exercise.


Pay attention to fire prevention, electricity use, drowning, theft, fraud, road traffic safety and other problems and hidden dangers. No fighting, illegal assembly, illegal employment, illegal business, excessive drinking, disturbing people, staying out all night or other bad behaviors. Those who commit the above violations,will see punishment accordingly.


SOE would remind you that you shouldn't easily trust the "netizens" you know on the online dating platform.If someone claims to be a school leader or your relatives and friends and borrows money from you,don't believe him/her easily. Please be vigilant and carefully verify his/her identity. When using WeChat, Alipay and other trading software to bind bank cards, please don't forward your own verification code at will. Please don't download apps from unidentified sources, especially those with electronic payment or gambling nature.


Please keep in touch during the winter vacation and contact the counselor about related matters.

Please follow SOE wechat account and keep an eye on the notice update.


Stay Happy, Stay Safe!


School of Overseas Education


Jan 10th, 2022

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