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This REGULATION is formulated for the purpose of standardized management of foreign students' apartment.

Chapter I Registration

1All foreign students who study in JUST (including degree students and exchange students) should reside in JUST Foreign Students Apartment. In case that living off campus is inevitable (postgraduates only), students should state reasons and report for approval from International College.

2. Foreign students should settle the accommodation fee when registration. Accommodation registration shall be finished once arrived, which is including 400RMB deposit payment, room key and internet service application if needed. The internet expense is on students’ own.

3. Apartments on east campus can accommodate three students in three individual rooms, and dorms on south campus can accommodate three students in a room..

4. Foreign students should follow the arrangement and reside in the arranged room. It is forbidden to switch rooms without permission.

5. Before moving in, foreign students are supposed to check inside furniture according on The list of furniture in Foreign Students’ apartment》。 Please report in time if any is missing. Otherwise, compensation must be made according to the lost value.

Chapter II Daily Management

1. Violations of Chinese law and regulations must not happen in the room of foreign students’ apartment.

2. Foreign students shall observe this Regulation, respect apartment administrator and obey management. Foreign students should be cooperative if apartment administrator needs access into the room when necessary.

3. Students pay electricitywater and gas consumption by month according to the bills of actual use. Think GREEN when use waterelectricitygas and other energy during the stay. Any illegal or high power electrical equipment shall not apply in the apartment. Keeping air-conditioner off when no one is in the apartment.

4. Remain quiet inside of the apartment. Loud activities which influence other residents are not allowed, such as dancing, high talking noises, high volume music playing etc.

5. Remain clean and tidy of the apartment and clear living garbage on time. Placing rubbish in the public area or throwing outside from window is not allowed. Keep Posters and paintings away from the wall.

6. All facilities shall not be moved without permission. Do not damage, disassemble and change inside equipments and cord. Otherwise, compensation must be made according to the original value.

7. It is not allowed to change the locks or make copies of the key or add another lock without permission. Extra fee would apply if room key lost.

Chapter III Visiting management

1. Outside visitors should have valid ID card to register in the doorkeeper office before entering.

2. Outside visitors must leave before 23:00 and keeping outside visitors overnight will get punishment of severe warning. Keeping opposite sex outside visitors will be expulsed.  

Chapter IV Security Management

1. Keep safe of passportcash and other valuable personal belongings. Leaving high value goods or large amount of cash inside the accommodation is not suggested.

2. Residents should return the apartment before 23:00. Climbing wall or gate for entering is forbidden. Those returning late without reasonable excuses will receive warning letter.

3. No fire, burning things or cooking is allowed in the dorm. Those who cause fire should receive punishment of disciplinary probation or above.Do not touch distribution box and fire equipment if not necessary. Inflammables and explosives are forbidden to be placed in the apartment. Please report to administrator of International College immediately if facilities faults or safety loopholes are found.

4. Lock well door and room windows and balcony windows during the night for safety. Water, electricity and gas must be switched off during the holiday leaving.

5. Residents should inform international department if not living the apartment during holiday. Meantime, keep properly of the key or leave it to international department. Leaving keys to others is prohibited.

6. Emergency calls: criminal report-110, fire report-119, and ambulance-120. University does not bear the lost cost by fire, stealing, flood or other disaster.

Chapter V Check-out

1. The residents should check out within one week of agreed leaving date, and move out at schedule time. For extending the time of residence in case of special conditions, permission must be granted by the International School to fulfill extension formalities. The extension residence shall not exceed one week, and be charged same as standard rate, 80RMB per night for Single room and 40RMB per night for Twin room.

2. When checking out, International School would check the room situation and facilities, count room items based on The list of furniture in Foreign Students’ apartment. If any damage or lost, compensate must be made before returning deposit.

3. Residents should return the room key to International College before leaving. The remaining items in the room would be treated as unclaimed articles.

Chapter VI Others

1. Matters not covered in this regulation shall be subject to JUST Accommodation Provisions for Studentsand Provisional disciplines for overseas students at Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

2. Any negative consequences caused by violation of above regulations, the resident should undertake all responsibilities.

3. The regulation shall become effective upon the date of issuing. The responsibility of its interpretation shall be vested in International School

Appendix: 1. The list of furniture in Foreign Students’ apartment

2: The signing page of Foreign Students


Dorm Facility List

East Campus

Item name

Quantity of Items



Apartments (Single Room)


Single beds


Cabinet for sundries



Air Conditioner



AC Controller



Dining Table

One(Living Room)





Water Heater



Dorm Facility List

South Campus

Item name

Quantity of Items



Triple room


One bed*3


Air Conditioner



AC Controller



Water Heater





The signing page of Foreign Students

住宿人基本信息/Student’s Basic Information




护照号码/Passport number

学生证号码/Student number:


房间信息/Room Information

房间号码/Room Number:  C

住宿时间/Living Period

房间钥匙/Number of Key1一把/ One

校园一卡通编号/Campus Card NumberJJ000

061   我已阅读并完全同意以上规定,房间物品核查无误。

I have read and agree to the above stated regulations; all room items have been checked and are correct.



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